This post is my normal update and ramblings, with a look at how I've created and converted some Post Apocalyptic miniatures for Necromunda. There’s quite a lot to get into in this week’s update in my frugal gaming mission. The Post Office build that I covered in the last two posts seemed quite popular, so thanks for all your feedback on that, it’s much appreciated. A big thanks must also go to Ambrose at Nameless Kingdom Tabletop Gaming who has posted a review of this very blog, thanks Ambrose!
As well as this review, I reached the giddy heights of being mention on the Meeples and Miniatures Podcast . The show was one of the end of year reviews that Neil produced, and I only got round to listening to it last week. He was interviewing Henry Hyde of Battlegames Magazine, the interview got onto the subject of the economic downturn (as we call it here in the UK) and they mentioned a post that has been running on The Miniatures Page , then Henry mentions, ‘there’s also that guy that’s doing A Year of Frugal Gaming’ Wow! That’s me! I’m ‘That guy”! Fame at last! Seriously though, I’m a huge M&M fan, so I felt really honoured to have the blog mentioned. Cheers Guys!
In the last couple of weeks I’ve continued played Necromunda with Matt (a couple of storming victories for my Scavvy gang!), continued work on my Warlock house for Mordheim and even managed to convert and paint some figures. All this and I attended the Plymouth Association of Wargames Annual Show (PAW2009) which I’ll post about in a couple of days.
Converting Miniatures
One of my main frugal gaming goals for the year was to work through all my unpainted figures to clear the backlog. This has (sort of) gone to plan so far as I’ve been using any old figure I can find as part of my Scavvy gang.
- Take a sci-fi figure and give him a fantasy weapon or,
- Take a fantasy figure and give him a sci-fi weapon
I went looking for some good quality figures at the PAW show, but couldn’t find any I fancied. As I did quite well out of the bring and buy at the show, I invested some of my cash in an Empire Flagellant box set, which will give me plenty of weapon-wielding loonies for my Scavvy gang. I’ve also found an unpainted metal Celt Warrior hiding in the back of my figures box, so he’s currently being mutated to have a crab claw. Lucky chaps. I'll put up some photos in future posts.
Until then, let me know what you think, and post any tips you have for cool conversions.
Just letting you know that you've been featured in our round up of the best miniature related blog posts of the week:
I also wanted to make you aware of a meet-up of UK gamer bloggers and their readers in Nottingham (UK) on the 28th February. Full details here:
Even if you can't make it, we would be very grateful if you could mention it to your readers.
Many thanks.
Cheers Chris!
I'll mention in my post this weekend.
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